Scoliosis is when you see a person from the back and notice a curve of the spine, one shoulder is higher than the other, the torso is not straight, the arms have a different distance space from the trunk when held at the side, one hip can be higher than the other, you can notice a hump, and many other findings.
I empower kids to achieve a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle so they can move, study play and enjoy life to their fullest potential at an age appropriate level.
In the x-rays you will see how the vertebrae in the spine rotate and make the curve, the spaces between the vertebrae may also become compressed in some areas and stretched in others. That’s why physical therapy for scoliosis requires a 3-D approach to address the curve from all angles.
The Schroth Method
At Buddies in Motion we offer the Schroth method for ages 6- 18 years old and is based on individual evaluation.
-For other ages please send us an email at [email protected] to determining if the schroth method we provide is right for you.
-Exercises customized for each type of “curve”. The exercises can be performed while standing, sitting or lying down.
-Therapy balls, poles and Schroth bars (as you can see on image) used to assist in correcting scoliosis.
-A special breathing technique to help derogates the spine.
-Schroth relies heavily on mirrors so the patients develop awareness of their posture.
What can you expect when being treated at Buddies In Motion Pediatric Physical Therapy
-The schroth method is an extensive program and is private pay ONLY. The initial evaluation is 200 dollars and each follow up treatment 175 dollars
-Buddies In Motion pediatric physical therapy does not participate with any health insurance company for the schroth method for scoliosis treatment. As of June 1, 2022 Buddies In Motion pediatric physical therapy is no longer able to summit the paperwork to your insurance company requesting pre-authorization or authorization for “out of network” provider for this specific treatment.
-We provide and alternative therapy that combines some exercises used on the Schroth method with other physical therapy options that might be cover by your insurance carrier.
– After completing a Schroth program most patients see visible improvement on their scoliotic posture, improvement of the core stability and strength, easier breathing, decreased pain, and improved postural awareness and self-esteem. Keep in mind that the main goal of Schroth exercises is to prevent scoliosis from advancing.
-The program may vary, but typically includes between 10 and 20 sessions that last from 45 minutes to one hour. The length and frequency largely depend on the patient’s tolerance and the extent of the scoliosis. The treatment is individualized and you will be instructed in specific exercises to straighten, centralize and derogates the spine with special corrective breathing and muscle activation techniques.
– A long-term commitment to the Schroth guidelines is necessary to make this treatment successful. The patient will be taught exercises to follow up at home.
-For additional information and to see if the schroth method is right for you and your family member please email us at [email protected]
C1 Schroth certified